Avrei molto da dire su questo pazzo scatenato che ha fatto la mattanza. Ma meglio il silenzio
30 Seconds To Mars – From Yesterday
He’s a stranger to some And a vision to none He can never get enough, Get enough of the oneFor a fortune he’d quit But it’s hard to admit How it ends and begins On his face is a map of the world (A map of the world) On his face is a map of the world (A map of the world) From yesterday, it’s coming! From yesterday, the fear! From yesterday, it calls him But he doesn’t want to read the message hereOn a mountain he sits, not of gold but of shit Through the blood he can look, see the lives that he took From council of one He’ll decide when he’s done with the innocent
On his face is a map of the world (A map of the world) On his face is a map of the world (A map of the world)
From yesterday, it’s coming! From yesterday, the fear! From yesterday, it calls him But he doesn’t want to read the message He doesn’t want to read the message Doesn’t want to read the message here
On his face is a map of the world
From yesterday, it’s coming! From yesterday, the fear! From yesterday, it calls him But he doesn’t want to read the message here From yesterday, From yesterday, From yesterday, the fear From yesterday, From yesterday But he doesn’t want to read the message But he doesn’t want to read the message But he doesn’t want to read the message here
He’s a stranger to someAnd a vision to noneHe can never get enoughGet enough of the oneFor a fortune he’d quitBut it’s hard to admitHow it ends and beginsOn his face is a map of the world(A map of the world)On his face is a map of the world(A map of the world)From yesterday, it’s comingFrom yesterday, the fearFrom yesterday, it calls himBut he doesn’t want to read the message outOn a mountain he sitsNot of gold but of shitThrough the blood he can lookSee the lives that he tookFrom a count to oneHe’ll decide when he’s done with the innocentOn his face is a map of the world(A map of the world)On his face is a map of the world(A map of the world)From yesterday, it’s comingFrom yesterday, the fearFrom yesterday, it calls himBut he doesn’t want to read the message(But he doesn’t want to read the message)Doesn’t want to read the message here!On his face is a map of the worldFrom yesterday, it’s coming!From yesterday, the fear!From yesterday, it calls himBut he doesn’t want to read the message hereFrom yesterdayFrom yesterdayFrom yesterday, the fearFrom yesterdayFrom yesterdayBut he doesn’t want to read the message(But he doesn’t want to read the message)He doesn’t want to read the message here!
Quando, … [omissis] futuro… Francesco De Gregori – La donna Cannone Butterò questo mio enorme cuore tra le stelle un giorno,giuro che lo farò,e oltre l’azzurro della tenda nell’azzurro io volerò. Quando la donna cannoned’oro e d’argento diventerà,senza passare dalla stazionel’ultimo treno prenderà. E in faccia ai maligni e ai superbi il mio nome scintillerà,dalle…
Quando il direttore di facoltà, uomo insignificante di cui non ricordo neppure il nome, in quel 23 settembre di 20 anni addietro, mi nominò Dottore in Medicina e Chirurgia, mi sentii profondamente deluso che non avessero aggiunto la lode al voto pieno e tondo. Caspita! Me la meritavo tutta. Non ero assolutamente stato lì a…
How couldn’t I ask anything to my selfin this moment,while lonley,in front of a stormy sea,in front of waves which look as if they would drown me,the wind ruffling my hair,and cradling me smoothly.I look, I stare, I breath.Always.No! The music won’t be overbut how couldn’t I ask anything to my self? (fc) Lo stormy…
Ero alle porte di Vistarino, un anonimo paesino della provincia di Pavia, quando ho iniziato a sentire questa bellissima canzone. A dire il vero l’avevo già sentita distrattamente, ma questa volta mi sono fermato nella piazza principale e l’ho ascoltata tutta d’un fiato. “I need a dollar” è il titolo ufficiale.“Mendicare l’amore”, invece, è quello…
Ecco, adesso mi aspetto lo tsunami di accuse per screditarmi. Mi sono giunte plurime voci che, colpevole di aver fatto rimostranze sull’operato di certi volontari, questi scriveranno per confermare che il Genovese è brutto e cattivo, che ce l’ha su con loro, che la misura è colma, che non esce nemmeno con la tuta, che…
È bello starti vicino pur mostrando indifferenza. Eppure il cuore batte forte. Un brivido fremente mi percorre la schiena al solo pensiero di passare un pomeriggio con te in macchina, al ristorante o al cinema. Ostentando sempre indifferenza. Sono lì ad osservarti sottecchi, cerco di esserti accanto come vorresti tu, senza invadere i tuoi spazi….