Lei, sì proprio lei, la Roxanne, prostituta dei bordelli di Buenos Aires, contesa tra i mercenari vogliosi di sesso a pagamento e lui, l’angelico Ewan Mc Gregor di Mouline Rouge.
Lei, la Roxanne che si lascia scivolare tra le braccia in un amplesso struggente, viene ribaltata come un fuscello, sbattuta di qua e di là sul proscenio mentre la voce roca arrotata su quell’unica r la chiama. E un sussulto, allo stesso tempo, lo prova al lamento lacerante di Ewan accecato dalla gelosia e dalla rabbia. Ecco non saprei scegliere ora e per quale Roxanne tifare. Per la troia o per la donna innamorata.
Ma quella sera quando ti ho mandato le due foto, lo sapevo perfettamente…
Moulin Rouge – Roxanne
(Spoken) We have a dance! In the brothels of Buenos Aries Tells the story Of a prostitute. And a man… who falls in love… With her.
First there is desire Then… passion! Then… suspicion! Jealousy! Anger! Betrayal! Where love is for the highest bidder, There can be no trust! Without trust, There is no love! Jealousy. Yes, jealousy… Will drive you… mad!
Roxanne You don’t have to put on that red light Walk the streets for money You don’t care if it’s wrong or if it is right
Roxanne You don’t have to wear that dress tonight Roxanne You don’t have to sell your body to the night
His eyes upon your face His hand upon your hand His lips caress your skin It’s more than I can stand
(Roxanne) Why does my heart cry? (Roxanne) Feelings I can’t fight You’re free to leave me, but just don’t decieve me And please believe me when I say I love you
Yo que te quiero tanto, que voy a hacer Me dejaste, me dejaste En un tango En el alma se me fue Se me fue el corazon Ya no tengo ganas de vivir Porque no te puedo convencer Que no te vendas Roxanne
(Roxanne) Why does my heart cry? (Roxanne) Feelings I can’t fight (Roxanne) You don’t have to put on that red light Roxanne You don’t have to put on that dress tonight (Roxanne) (Roxanne)
Will drive youMadRoxanneYou don’t have to put on that red lightWalk the streets for moneyYou don’t care if it’s wrong or if it is rightRoxanneYou don’t have to wear that dress tonightRoxanneYou don’t have to sell your body to the nightHis eyes upon your faceHis hand upon your handHis lips caress your skinIt’s more than I can standWhy does my heart cry?(Roxanne) Feelings I can’t fightYou’re free to leave me, but just don’t deceive meAnd please, believe me when I say I love youYo que te quiero tanto, qué voy ha hacerMe dejaste, me dejaste en un tangoEn el alma se me fueSe me fue el corazonYa no tengo ganas de vivirPorque no te puedo convencerQue no te vendas RoxanneRoxanne (Why does my heart cry?)You don’t have to put on that red lightFeelings I can’t fight (You don’t have to wear that dress tonight)You don’t have to put on that red lightRoxanneYou don’t have to wear that dress tonightRoxanneRoxanne
Ho scoperto soltanto oggi che Cabo Blanco è in Perù. Chissà perché ero convinto che si trovasse in quella striscia di oceano delineata dall’Uruguay e dall’Argentina, poco oltre il Rio de la Plata, tra Buenos Aires e Montevideo. Scogliere alte e falesie friabili a picco: dovevo immaginarlo che non poteva essere localizzato da quelle parti…
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Non more other words than the title! It’s enough. Lately I’ve been hard to reachI’ve been too long on my ownEverybody has a private worldWhere they can be aloneAre you calling me, are you trying to get throughAre you reaching out for me, and I’m reaching out for youI’m just so fuckin’ depressedI just can’t…
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