Wir sind nackt, noi siamo nudi, cioè uguali. No, caro Jay, non è vero. Anche se guardando il tuo video strepitoso potrei abbonarti tutto e abbandonarmi tra le tue braccia, ma permettimi di dissentire nonostante il coraggioso messaggio veicolato in questa clip che ha fatto furore nel web. Partiamo dal contorno: siamo in un set cinematografico dalle parti di Bucarest. E’ aprile e ha appena piovuto. La scena in cui tu e gli altri siete nudi è stata girata di notte, con un tempo inclemente. Non hai risparmiato nessuno, giovani, anziani, donne. Complimenti. Non posso che provare stima.
Ma il messaggio no, non lo condivido. Che cosa vuol dire che siamo tutti uguali? La nudità esternata in modo forzato vorrebbe esserne la prova. No, Jay, io non sono uguale a te, magaaaari, proprio no. Il sangue che scorre sotto la nostra pelle non è uguale, no, per nulla. Il mio coraggio non è uguale al tuo, nemmeno a quello degli altri che ti accompagnano nel coro. Parafrasando le tue parole, posso confermare che uno è povero di spirito e un altro pieno di emozioni. E potrei continuare all’infinito. Perè credo nella peculiarità dell’individuo.
Non mi puoi dire:
But still, you keep waiting almost endlessly for someone to grab you by the collar and shake you awake.
Perché? Non ti puoi svegliare da solo?
Boh. E se proprio vuoi saperlo tu non sei uguale a loro, i soggetti scelti -l’homeless, la zoccola, le due checche sfrante, il prete col bambino, la donna con il figlio negro, il tatuatore, il cinese e lo spacciatore- ti guardano, loro sì, implorandoti di guardarli a loro volta. Perché tu non sei uguale a loro. Perché sei inarrivabile e tutti loro lo sanno, da come posano gli occhi su di te.
Tu continui, invece, col tuo streeptease, full monty. Anzi ti tagli i capelli, -complimenti, a proposito!- e come un caterpillar procedi lungo la linea bianca di mezzeria della strada. Loro, i reietti non sono uguali a te, nonostante la tua nudità, nonostante la tua umiltà di abbassarti alla loro altezza.
La notte avanza, il signor King si confonde nel brusio generale. E tutto finisce. E sì davvero ora siamo tutti nudi, wir sind nackt!
Sai tu che sei diverso… Tutti lo sanno.
Jay – Wir sind nackt
Du Kleidest dich in deinem Wohlstand Versteckst dich im Klischet Du Klammerst dich voll stolz an Treibsand in einem goldenen See
Du kaufst dir täglich neue Masken und hoffst das keiner fragt wie dein Gesicht dahinter aussiehst weil du es nicht kapierst: Wir sind nackt
Unter unseren Namen fließt das gleiche Blut Wir sind Nackt Teif in uns vergraben hab ein bischen Mut Wir sind nackt
Unter deinem Kragen gibt’s kein arm und reich Wir sind nackt Denn hinter ihren Farben sind alle Menschen gleich Wir sind nackt
Du fürchtest dich vor allem Fremden zeigst keinen dein Gesicht du warst noch nie in anderen Ländern Traust deinen Freunden nicht
Du hälst das Meer deiner Gefühle in aber tiefer Macht und verkneifst dir jede Regung weil du es nich kapierst: Wir sind nackt
Unter unseren Namen fließt das gleiche Blut Wir sind Nackt Teif in uns vergraben hab ein bischen Mut Wir sind nackt
Unter deinem Kragen gibt’s kein arm und reich Wir sind nackt Denn hinter ihren Farben sind alle Menschen gleich Wir sind nackt
Iregndwo ist Licht ein heller Fleck im Licht öffnet eine Tür ein neuer Weg für dich
Du wartest Stunden auf irgendjemand der dich am Kragen packt der dich schüttelt bis du atmest hast du es jetzt kapiert? Wir sind nackt
Unter unseren Namen fließt das gleiche Blut Wir sind Nackt Teif in uns vergraben hab ein bischen Mut Wir sind nackt
Unter deinem Kragen gibt’s kein arm und reich Wir sind nackt Denn hinter ihren Farben sind alle Menschen gleich Wir sind nackt
You utterly adorn yourself in your affluence. You fit the perfect stereotype of “prosperous”. Even quicksand can’t swallow you because you’d just sink into a sea of gold.
You buy yourself a new mask each day, but then you hope nobody asks what your face really looks like behind it… Because you just don’t get it: WE ARE NAKED.
Under our names (identities), the same blood flows. (We are naked.) Deep with in all of us is a bit of courage. (We are naked.)
Under the collar, there is no rich or poor. (We are naked.) Because behind their (skin) colors, all humans are the same. (We are naked.)
You’re afraid of strangers. You never show anyone the real you. You’ve never been to another country. You don’t even trust your own friends.
Your emotions run deep as the sea, but you keep them bottled up with even more might (than the sea has). You don’t allow yourself to feel a single emotion… Because you just don’t get it: WE ARE NAKED.
Under our names (identities), the same blood flows. (We are naked.) Deep with in all of us is a bit of courage. (We are naked.)
Under the collar, there is no rich or poor. (We are naked.) Because behind their (skin) colors, all humans are the same. (We are naked.)
Somewhere there is a flash of light in all that darkness trying to open a new door for you
But still, you keep waiting almost endlessly for someone to grab you by the collar and shake you awake. Have you finally gotten it???? WE ARE NAKED.
Under our names (identities), the same blood flows. (We are naked.) Deep with in all of us is a bit of courage. (We are naked.)
Under the collar, there is no rich or poor. (We are naked.) Because behind their (skin) colors, all humans are the same. (We are naked.)
Du kleidest dich in deinem Wohlstand, Versteckst dich im Klischee
Du klammerst dich voll stolz an Treibsand in einem goldenen See
Du kaufst dir täglich neue Masken und hoffst das keiner fragt
wie dein Gesicht dahinter aussiehst, weil du es nicht kapierst
Unter unserem Namen fließt das gleiche Blut (WIR SIND NACKT)
Tief in uns vergraben hab ein Bißchen Mut (WIR SIND NACKT)
Unter deinem Kragen gibt’s kein arm und reich (WIR SIND NACKT)
Denn hinter ihren Farben sind alle Menschen gleich (WIR SIND NACKT)
Du fürchtest dich vor allem Fremden, zeigst keinen dein Gesicht
Du warst noch nie in anderen Ländern, Traust deinen Freunden nicht
Du hältst das Meer deiner Gefühle in aber tiefer Macht
und verkneifst dir jede Regung weil du es nicht kapierst
Irgendwo ist Licht
ein heller Fleck im Licht
öffnet eine Tür
ein neuer Weg für dich
du wartest Stundent auf irgendjemand der dich am Kragen packt
der dich schüttelt bis du atmest has du es jetzt kapiert???
You utterly adorn yourself in your affluence.
You fit the perfect stereotype of “prosperous”.
Even quicksand can’t swallow you because you’d just sink into a sea of gold.
You buy yourself a new mask each day,
but then you hope nobody asks what your face really looks like behind it…
Because you just don’t get it:
Under our names (identities), the same blood flows. (We are naked.)
Deep with in all of us is a bit of courage. (We are naked.)
Under the collar, there is no rich or poor. (We are naked.)
Because behind their (skin) colors, all humans are the same. (We are naked.)
You’re afraid of strangers. You never show anyone the real you.
You’ve never been to another country. You don’t even trust your own friends.
Your emotions run deep as the sea, but you keep them bottled up with even more might (than the sea has).
You don’t allow yourself to feel a single emotion…
Because you just don’t get it:
Under our names (identities), the same blood flows. (We are naked.)
Deep with in all of us is a bit of courage. (We are naked.)
Under the collar, there is no rich or poor. (We are naked.)
Because behind their (skin) colors, all humans are the same. (We are naked.)
Somewhere there is a flash of light in all that darkness trying to open a new door for you
But still, you keep waiting almost endlessly for someone to grab you by the collar and shake you awake.
Have you finally gotten it????
Under our names (identities), the same blood flows. (We are naked.)
Deep with in all of us is a bit of courage. (We are naked.)
Under the collar, there is no rich or poor. (We are naked.)
Because behind their (skin) colors, all humans are the same. (We are naked.)
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